Our textile consumption is one of the biggest climate impacts of our time. Today, 7.5 megatons of textile waste is generated globally every year, and every second the equivalent of a truckload of textiles is burned. This trend must be reversed. The EU project SorTex will test and develop solutions on how textile waste can be collected, pre-sorted and recycled in circular business models so that the materials become a resource rather than waste.
In Denmark and Sweden, municipalities are responsible for collecting textile waste from citizens, but how is this done wisely? At SorTex, we test different collection methods and offer suggestions for best practice.
What is the best way to pre-sort municipal textile waste so that as much as possible can be reused and recycled? In SorTex, we research and test methods and the latest technologies and compile them in a practical handbook.
In SorTex, we investigate and test how textile waste can be recycled in circular business models so that it becomes a resource and business potential in the future - and not just a global challenge.