Project SorTex

Do you want to stay updated about SorTex?

Are you interested in the textile waste and SorTex project's activities, knowledge collection, tests and results regarding collection, pre-sorting and circular business models? Or do you want to contribute knowledge or experience to the project? Sign up below and receive invitations or emails when we have news to share.

Are you interested in the textile waste and SorTex project's activities, knowledge collection, tests and results regarding collection, pre-sorting and circular business models? Or do you want to contribute knowledge or experience to the project? Sign up below and receive invitations or emails when we have news to share.

We don't send out tons of newsletters about SorTex, but you should still have the opportunity to stay updated. The more knowledge we share with each other, the better chance we have of solving the textile waste challenge - together.

Would you like to be invited when we hold conferences or events about textile waste in either Denmark or Sweden? Would you like to receive emails when we have new knowledge, test results or smart solutions on how we can collect and pre-sort textile waste or recycle it in new ways? Or do you want to contribute with knowledge or experience about textile waste?


Sign up here and receive emails when we have news about SorTex that is relevant to you.